Midmark IQvitals Vital Signs Monitor
MSRP: $2,199.00
OUR PRICE: $1,929.00
You Save: 12%
Manufacturer: Midmark
Model: 4443-4-000-0500
The Midmark IQvitals Vital Signs Monitor measures blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature. It is highly portable, weighing only 3.9 lbs., and it features a convenient touch screen interface as well as an alphanumeric keyboard that makes entering patient details easy. The Midmark IQvitals Vital Signs Monitor is a Windows-compatible device that can be easily connected to a computer using a USB cable.
Vital sign monitors allow physicians to quickly assess a patient's condition. The Midmark IQvitals Vital Signs Monitor is suitable for pediatric or adult use and includes components of hospital grade for increased durability.

Medical Monitors
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Hospital Vital Signs Monitor
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