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SunTech Tango+ 99-0042-00 Vital Signs Monitor

Capnocheck II With Battery And Charger

Mindray PM-8000 Express Vital Signs Monitor

Portable Vital Signs Monitors

There are many important tools in the medical field, but none are more so than a vital sign monitor. Monitoring vital signs is definitely a key element when it comes to making certain that a patient receives not only the proper care but any emergency assistance that may be needed. When a person's vital signs are not within the parameters that are deemed appropriately normal for that individual, it is the body's way of sounding a warning of a problem. Depending on how far from the acceptable definition of normal a person's vital signs are, the situation could be a signal of a major issue such as a heart attack or a stroke. That is why a vital sign monitor can sometimes mean the crucial difference between life and death.

Although many people understand the importance of monitoring vital signs, understanding a vital sign monitor can still be a mystery. When it comes to portable vital signs monitors the mystery of understanding exactly how they work may be even more complicated. However, by breaking down the components of portable vital signs monitors completely, it becomes much easier to understand and appreciate them.

The best place to begin is to look at exactly what vital signs are defined as. The vital signs that are used to gauge any warning signs of a health problem are as follows:

Blood Pressure


Pulse Rate

Heart Rate

Oxygen Saturation Rate

By measuring these specific rates as a preliminary to a thorough exam, time can often be saved by helping to pinpoint a specific health issue based on the vital sign readings. This is why Emergency Medical Staff or E.M.S workers carry portable vital signs monitors with them to help save time in diagnosing potentially life threatening issues. Saving time in an emergency medical situation can often help when it successfully comes to saving a life.

What many people are more familiar with are the larger vital signs monitors which are utilized in hospital settings. However, since it was patented in 1996, the portable vital signs monitor has become much more sought after because of both its ease of use and portability. The value of these monitors has become so appreciated that they are being utilized more and more in clinics, private practices, and even by private citizens.

While these monitors can be expensive, they are well worth the investment. But, for those who are on a tight budget, refurbished patient monitors could be the answer. When the term 'refurbished' is mentioned, many people automatically think of 'used' when it means so much more. Refurbished patient monitors are ones that have been previously used but sent back to the manufacturer to be thoroughly inspected. Any components that are not up to the standards of a new device are replaced and the device fully tested. The refurbished patient monitors will work just as well as a brand new one, but at a considerably lower price.

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